
Golden spiral tattoos
Golden spiral tattoos

golden spiral tattoos
  1. #Golden spiral tattoos code
  2. #Golden spiral tattoos trial

The solution was to reverse the process, starting with the smallest blocks and adding the larger ones to it. The problem with this method is that individual pixels can’t be cut in the middle, meaning that the precision of this method becomes sloppier (yes, very scientific term) as the size of the building blocks decrease. First, I tried the outside=>inside approach (maybe I should’ve begun with a middle-out scheme), starting with the largest block of the golden spiral and working towards smaller blocks.

#Golden spiral tattoos trial

However, there was a lot of trial and error before I found the simplest way to turn the golden spiral concept into code. I guess this ties into why the self-repeating form is so prevalent in nature: it’s a very efficient way to encode a growth pattern. The final version of the program that generates the golden spirals was surprisingly brief.While finding a workaround was easy, the hard part was discovering this discrepancy! It turns out that Heroku had disabled this feature (for security reasons), thereby creating a slight difference between the two environments. However, this time around I encountered an interesting problem where the Image Magick gem would refuse to fetch remote content when it was deployed on the live site.

golden spiral tattoos

#Golden spiral tattoos code

I’ve written my fair share of bugs, but when I’ve finally nailed a piece of code in development, it usually works in production. Rails ensures that the version of Ruby and all the helper applications are the same in both places, so there’s a high probability that a problem encountered in development will also appear in production (and vice versa). I write and test code on my laptop before pushing it “live.” A great thing about Ruby on Rails is that my development environment is almost exactly the same as the Heroku hosting platform.

golden spiral tattoos

Sometimes, the spiraling plays with your sense of proportion and depth, making it seem like the photo is a single view, continuing on and on in the repeated frames. The form also creates interesting relationships between the larger picture and its components, as in this example: (photo: The Library of Virginia) I find that the proportions of the golden ratio are a pleasing way to view these repeated images. You can see them here: Golden Spiral Collages So, I wrote some code that turns random photos from the Commons into golden spiral collages. I had a flash of inspiration and thought golden spirals would make a great match for the amazing public domain photo collection at the Flickr Commons (oh, the things you think of while on the stair climber!). I’m not into tattoos, but I will give a nod to this particular one-so much classier than an ex-girlfriend’s name or a poorly translated Chinese character. I knew I wanted to put together something using this relationship, and it finally came together when I saw a golden spiral tattoo on someone at the gym. The golden ratio has been appearing in my life a lot lately: from the Fibonacci sequence to paintings by da Vinci to flowers and the shape of galaxies, this form is found in so many places in nature and art. Over at Randomly Inspired!, one of my other projects, I have just released something that I think you’ll find interesting…and perhaps even beautiful.

Golden spiral tattoos