
Maelstrom pulse etched champion
Maelstrom pulse etched champion

maelstrom pulse etched champion

If you need a removal spell,Dismember is the best option available. Merfolk's Best MatchupsOur best matchups are "Jund" decks (especially the red version), the creature-based UWR Control deck, and Tron. It's not a secret to anyone who knows me that I love Merfolk. Hard in the sense that they are all very strong decks with plenty of inevitability. Merfolk has been a deck in Modern since the beginning, but it never broke through as one of the best decks of the format. These matchups are mostly meta calls based on how you sideboard.

maelstrom pulse etched champion

I dont think theres any way the answer isnt Vial, but Trickster on turn two is about the most miserable thing you can do. Merfolk in Modern Since Modern was created,I've been telling people that Merfolk was the best deck, and even though I knew it was a lie, I kept working to improve it. Sometimes, they're killing all your creatures and you have nothing to copy, and other times you might need a Merfolk card to reveal toSilvergill Adept. They have so much efficient removal that it becomes hard to keep our lords around. Hello, fellow Modern fans! The key to this matchup is card advantage. I mentioned this before as a great sideboard card and it is. Terms of Use | Another advantage Merfolk has over the other turn dudes sideways decks (besides the obvious Aether Vial benefits) is that Thassa really helps you control your draws in the late game and prevent you from running out of gas.

maelstrom pulse etched champion

Merfolk plays ] as well as ], meaning that it is pretty easy to keep your opponent from casting their spells as well as keep playing your creatures with the vial. Or that anyone who may have heard me say anything in passing knows that I love Merfolk. Sideboard (15) This deck has a lot of very solid matchups and relatively few unfavorable matchups. They also play Island so our Spreading Seas are better because we can easily keep them off of a color or hit a Celestial Colonnade. Its almost 200 pages long, and the discussion is frequent and lively.

#Maelstrom pulse etched champion full

Some people dont like it because its not a full counter. In the past few months, it surged from 3% to 7% of winning decks, which is about the same level as RDW, Jund, and Tron, but still some 4-5% below Affinity and Twin. Note that many lists run more than one Kira. 4 Aether Vial (ther Vial)3 Dismember1 Relic of Progenitus4 Spreading Seas1 Vapor Snag13 other spells Mono-green aggro exists, as does mono-blue aggro in the form of the Merfolk deck. Rishadan Port plagued an entire meta once upon a time. Before we go any further, heres my current list: The sideboard is obviously dependent on the metagame youre facing, and mine varies regularly. You not only want to beat those decks, but also have good options against both Abzan Company and Burn. Great early game counter that falls off late game or against ramp decks (Tron). In a very aggressive shell, you want the maximum amount of Lords, but Master of Waves is extremely good. Sometimes, they have only 1 removal spell and you blank it with Kira and get a 2/2 evasive threat.

maelstrom pulse etched champion

Im not going to detail every matchup, but I will note that Affinity is very difficult. Theres no way you can cut Reejery, though. Not only does it smooth out your draws, but it adds to your Devotion for both Master of Waves and Thassa, God of the Sea. Ive had unimpressive board states, like a single Cursecather and Spreading Seas, and then slammed this guy and pretty much won on the spot. The lords dont give themselves islandwalk, which is why a. Ive been saying since day one of Modern that Remand is not where you want to be with Merfolk, and its nice to see that people are finally coming around. This annoying message will go away once you do.

Maelstrom pulse etched champion